Mar 22, 2022
Welcome, welcome, welcome! Whether you’re downloading this soundcast or are streaming it from somewhere on the World Wide Web, as the host of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, I am delighted that you’re listening. Apologies for not knowing your name, but I’m Marc Hershon, the host, executive producer, and founder of this little slice of Soundcastville, which kicked off just 2 weeks shy of 11 years ago.
Before I get into what’s in store for you in the next half hour or so, let me ask if you had a chance to lay ears on last week’s Epi296, entitled A More or Less Typical Episode, hosted by my fastidious and factually accurate co-host Tyson Saner. He featured clips from a triad of soundcasts, including JudyCast with Frances Gumm, The Ramble, and Lightning Bugs: Conversations with Ben Folds. The good news for you, if you happened to miss it, is that you can still grab it – on Apple or Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Soundcloud, YouTube, Amazon Music,, as well as any number of reputable distribution nodes across the web – including our own
Since you’re here now, however,
I’ll let you know that I’m going to be shaving off shreds of three
soundcasts: Citation Needed, The Stoners NextDoor, and
War & Peace in Just 7 Years. I’ve also got another
Slice from comedian Dan St. Paul’s
blog, and a trailer from a brand new soundcast that’s dropping this
week entitled Rituals. And even as we’re still shaking the
bushes for a real sponsor, I have a commercial from our
long-running fake sponsor Henderson’ Pants and their
just-now-in-season Picnic Pants.
Before I get into the clips, just a quick bit of news for longtime listeners of this ‘cast that remember our feature the Burst O’ durst with San Francisco comedian and social commentator Will Durst. Will suffered a stroke back in the Fall of 2019 and has been on a very long and slow road of recovery all the way through the pandemic. He’s still working hard on getting it all together but I was delighted to find he’s finally started posting on Facebook in the past couple of weeks. You can dig the Durst at — and let him know that we are waiting with bated breath for him to start pumping out the funny again.
Citation Needed
first comedy soundcast I’m clipping today is a five-hander, that is
five hosts who stir the stew that is Citation Needed.
Weirdly, in the About Us section of their homesite, some
of the guys have last names and some don’t. There is Cecil, Eli Bosnick, Heath, Noah Lujeons, and Tom. The format for this show is
hilariously simple: They pick a subject, read one article about it
on Wikipedia, then pretend to be experts on the topic. The focus
for their episode that dropped just last week was Alice Roosevelt, the
eldest daughter of US President Theodore Roosevelt. She was
pretty much crazy pants, Looney Tunes, and a deliciously black
sheep of the family…and her dad Teddy R. was a bit of a dick about
it. Just listen as the guys take their initial dip into the Alice
Roosevelt pool…
And Peace in Just 7 Years
next show claws out a special little niche for a comedy soundcast:
Literature. War And Peace in Just 7 Years is attempting to
provide the equivalent of one of those episode-by-episode
watch-along TV show soundcasts like Office Ladies or
Fake Doctors, Real Friends, except they’re doing it with
the 12 hundred and 25 page epic tome War and Peace by
Leo Tolstoy. With 500
characters, there is no lack of material in store. The hosts,
Will and Steve, are both British
comedians but they conveniently have not used their last names on
the show’s homesite. A recent episode picks up the action in 1886
or 1887, and things are looking a bit grim for the world at
The Stoners
can’t imagine that this next soundcast is the only one to dip into
the crazy world of NextDoor, the half-gossip, half-neighborhood
news site. But The Stoners NextDoor does a great job of
harvesting some of the loopier posts and their responses from the
site. Host Aaron and Moll don’t
focus on where the incidents and altercations are
happening, which always makes it feel like it’s happening in YOUR
neighborhood. Our clip is from this past December, their season
three finale, and involves a warning from an angry apple tree owner
warning neighbors to keep their mitts off his fruit.
Slices: The Lands of Hoops and
I was last in this feed, for Epi295, I featured a new segment
called “Slices” from comedian Dan St. Paul’s blog of the same
name. I have another slice of Slices for you, this one
about Dan’s trek to a Golden State Warriors game with a mutual
comedian friend of ours, Bob Sarlatte.
Give a listen…
Dan and I are still trying to figure out if people are enjoying these audio odysseys so please drop me an email at or a note in your socials directed to us @SuccotashShow to let us know if you’re digging these stories. We’re considering a short-form soundcast of Dan’s own, featuring stories like this, and we’d love to hear if you’re enjoying them.
That’s going to do it for this installment of Succotash. As always, it’s a pleasure to go out into the soundcastiverse and scrabble up these tidbits from the incredible range of comedy soundcasts that are out there. Between Tyson and I, it’s hard to even pretend to be keeping up with the massive influx of new programs that seem to be dropping weekly, so if we haven’t harvested a clip from your show, or a show you enjoy listening to, you can upload a 3 to 5-minute MP3 clip directly to us at and we’ll pop it into an upcoming episode.
Speaking of Tyson, he’ll be here next week with Succotash Episode 298, and a trio of comedy soundcast clips, so don’t miss out. Then I will be back the week after that with Episode 299. And THEN, for Episode 300 – THREE HUNDRED!!! – we will also be celebrating our 11th year of doing this ding-danged show!
I’m going to talk with Tyson about us actually co-hosting that one and maybe we’ll do something special. Who knows? If YOU want to record a special 300th episode, 11th year anniversary message to us, you can call the Succotash and Runaway Truck Hotline at 1 (818) 921-7212 OR upload a message to the Hightail URL. Or just say it to yourself while listening to that episode. Whatever gets it done for you.
Just remember that the next time running down that next perp that skipped bail and it’s up to you, as a bounty hunter, to bring him or her back to justice, and someone asks if you’re listening to anything fun, won’t you please pass the Succotash?
— Marc Hershon