Dec 8, 2016
Yes, ‘tis I. Marc Hershon — your humble host and seasonal perennial for Epi144 of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. This is an installment of Succotash Chats, where we pin down some unlucky wretch from the world of soundcasting and interview the bejeezus out of them.
Our Special
Guest this episode is Ben Tippett, host of the
Titanium Physicists Podcast. I'm only calling it a podcast
instead of a soundcast because that’s in the official title of the
show. Plus Dr. Tippett insists on the term “podcast”. He’s not a
fan of the soundcast moniker.
Ben's show is NOT a comedy soundcast in the classic meaning of the term. He is neither a comedian nor is the content overtly intended to be humorous. But, as you will see, he IS funny and the show itself leans heavily that way as well.
In addition to our Special Guest Ben Tippet, we have a double dose of our Burst O’ Durst with political comedian and social commentator Will Durst and a dip into the Tweetsack. Plus we have what may be the last song by our old pal Abner Serd for a while — I tell you why towards the end of the show. And, of course, this installment of Succotash Chats is brought to you by our friends at Henderson’s Pants, exclusive makers of Santa Pants.
If you are
going to be in the San Francisco area during January, chances are
you will be in shouting distance of the 16th Annual S.F. Sketchfest. And I will be appearing
not once but twice during this hallowed affair. On Sunday, January 15th, I
will be moderating a panel before the 40th anniversary screening of
Kentucky Fried Movie. I was just graduating high school
when KFM came out and it was amazing. Bizarre, hilarious, and just
great fun with a crazy cast, directed by John Landis, written and
produced by the Zucker Brothers and Jim Abraham — the same guys who
later brought us the Airplane! movies, the Police
Squad TV series, which led directly to the Naked Gun
movies. That will be at the Castro Theater in San
And then a week later, on Sunday, January 22nd, I’ll be bringing Succotash to Sketchfest at 4 PM at Piano Fight in the Tenderloin. We’ll have a live 90-minute show and a great lineup of podcasters and comics. So for both or either of those shows, visit to get tickets and further details.
If you’re
going to be doing any shopping for the holidays by way of Amazon,
please do use the Amazon banner at the top of the homesite –
when you access their site through our site, we get a tasty little
morsel of a kickback, and that money helps to cover the production
costs of this show. If you’re not in a buying mood, visit out
homesite anyway and just click the Donate button. Every penny you
donate goes to offset the production costs and upkeep for this
And that, my
friend, is that. Succotash Chats Epi144 is just another
piece of soundcast history now. Hopefully we’ll have another
installment dropping before Christmas but, just in case we don’t,
have a very merry one and don’t forget to pass the
— Marc Hershon