Jul 14, 2020
Howdy hi there, friends and neighbors! As the man says, I am Marc Hershon, host of this episode of Succotash Shut-In, the Comedy Soundcast Stimulus Package. What does that mean? It means we’re bringing you clips from a variety of comedy soundcasts from around the web. Most new ones but sometimes old ones. Sometimes we’ll bring you interviews with soundcasters or comedians. Sometime we bring you special presentations of one sort of another.
When I say we bring you I’m not using the royal “we” there, no sir. I switch off hosting this dog-n-pony show with Tyson Saner just so we can crank these puppies out with maximum efficiency on a weekly bases/ Did you catch his most recent installment, Epi210? It’s a dandy, featuring clips from The Korey Epps Show, EXPcast : a video game podcast, and Wild Ride! with Steve-O. You can still get it from with our homesite, at SuccotashShow.com, as well as any of the many outlets that carry this show: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, PodBay, the Laughable app, and more.
But this week,
for this show, I not only have a trio of clips,
one of each from these fine and practically brand new
programs: The Nateland Podcast, Literally
with Rob Lowe, and Listen! Listen! Listen!, but
I also have a trailer or a promo from a fun new show that starts at
the end of this week PLUS a special comedy cut from comedian and
friend of the show Dan
St. Paul called COVID19 Baseball with
Harry Caray.
In order to make sure we can bring you all of this fine entertainment, this episode is brought to you by our phony sponsors: Henderson’s Pants and Trumpoetry.com. We would like some actual advertisers so if you have something to seel or know someone with something to sell, won’t someone please write me at marc@succotashshow.com? I’ll tell you what’s what and you’ll see that buying a spot on this little powerhouse of a soundcast will surely bring in the people.
The Nateland Podcast
Soundcasting has claimed
another comedian. Last week marked the launch of The Nateland
Podcast, hosted by popular Nashville-based
comic Nate
Bargatze, who you may know from his standup,
particularly from his Netflix special The Tennessee
Kid. With comedy clubs currently being spotty at best as a
place for comedians to hang their hats, Nate decided to get back
into soundcasting – he was part of a show called It Could
Be Better back in 2011 – and this time he has fellow
Nashvillians Brian
Bates and Aaron
Weber with him. Our clip is from the debut
episode, and has the guys talking about the best way to watch
the Star Wars saga.
Listen! Listen! Listen!
I’m not sure who
Curtis Elton is. There’s a Curtis Elton who is a
piano-playing wunderkind from England but I don’t think the host
of Listen! Listen! Listen! is him. THIS Curtis
Elton talks at a breakneck speed for some very short episodes and,
as the detail on Apply Podcasts puts it, there is no theme, and no
useful information. But every episode is different so why not check
it out? The shows are SO short that I’m not clipping Episode 26,
the Independence Day Special…I’m playing the entire
three-minute run of the episode for you. Better strap in…
Literally! with Rob Lowe
You know the coronavirus
is making everybody loopy after all this time when celebrities like
Rob Lowe have decided that hosting his show has
to be better than doing nothing other than huffing your own carbon
dioxide in your breathing mask. It turns out that hes a pretty
engaging host! Who knew?! Plus who better to reach out to A-list
star friends from the jump. In his first episode, which just
dropped a couple of weeks ago, Rob Zooms it up
with Chris
Pratt. You know – the guy who went from being a chunky
dimwit on Parks & Rec to being a ripped dimwit
as Starlord in Guardians of the Galaxy? In this clip
they get into movies they thought were good without having seen
them, bad sax solos, and bringing a powerful yes/no game.
COVID19 Baseball with Harry
Normally I would have a fourth
soundcast clip to pop in here but, instead, I got aspecial treat
from a friend, comedian Dan St.
Paul, who is based out of San
Francisco. We’ve known each other since the beginning of time, I
think, and when he sent me a bit that he’d been working on in HIS
lockdown time, I asked if I could share it with
you. For years, a staple in Dan’s act
was a hilarious baseball announcer piece, The
First Baseball Game Ever Played, based on the legendary
Chicago Cubs announcer Harry Carey. Well, he’s updated the concept
now, in a piece called “COVID19 Baseball with Harry
And that is going to do it for Epi211 of Succotash Shut-In. Tyson Saner is back with you next week in this very same feed, with Succotash Episode 212 and some fun new clips. Thanks for stopping by, hanging out, and being real. At least I assume you’re being real. If you’re not, please don’t bust the illusion. Speaking of busting illusions, I must come clean with you and let you know that when I am recording this show in the privacy of Studio M, my Mazda 3X, I am not wearing a mask. But the rest of the time, when I’m oout and about, I am masked up. I hope you are, too, especially when you’re passing the Succotash.
— Marc Hershon