Jan 28, 2014
Welcome to Epi80 of
Succotash, the Comedy Podcast Podcast. This week our special
guest is Paul Mecurio, who you would have also heard for a
few minutes at the top of last episode, number 79, and for a longer
interview back in Epi65.
To be honest, I was going to play my interview that I did back in October with Travis and Brandy Clark, from the Tiny Odd Conversations podcast but I recorded it at a sidewalk café in North Hollywood and the traffic noise made it really difficult to listen to, which means I’ll have to visit them and have another sit down soon. Apologies guys!
I ended up having a good conversation with Paul, who was in town performing at the San Francisco Punchline. I caught his show on Wednesday night then we spent the rest of the week trying to coordinate a time for the interview. What finally worked was getting together in the last hour that he was in town, at his hotel, before he had to dash off to the airport.
We talked about some of the projects he's got going on, from his headlining gigs around the counttry to some TV show ideas he was on his way to LA to pitch, and also The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, both of which he still does audience warmup and writing for.
During the interview I cut away to play a couple of audio snippets from things like his Makeover Specialist and this video segment he did from Got No Game, a show on HBO Sports…
The 10 Most Active Shows in the Stitcher Top 100 Comedy Podcast List
Here's our weekly look at the shows that moved the most UP or DOWN on Stitcher's Top 100 Comedy Podcast list.
The Crabfeast with Ryan Wickler & Jay
34. Bertcast’s
36. SModcast >> Jay & Silent Bob Get
44. Keith & The Girl Comedy
48. What Say
62. About Last
75. How Was Your Week with Julie
85. The Almost A Show
89. The Half-Assed Podcast with Gary &
94. Out Of The Box
And Succotash has actually benefited by missing a week, apparently, as we are hanging at #5945, which is UP 1616 place since last episode! Maybe we'll stay away more often…
Burst O' Durst
In this week's Burst O' Durst segment, our Ambassador to the Middle rails a bit on New Jersey governor Chris Christie. He's a hard target to miss.
Musical Break
the show we play a cut from Walk The Fire, the new album by
friend-of-Succotash John Anealio. You can get the
whole album for whatever price you name at http://JohnAnealio.com.
The Clips
A few episodes ago we got our weekly shout out from The Chillpak
Hollywood Hour from a guest of theirs: Alex Lewczuk,
who’s the host of The Midweek Drive radio show and podcast
in Britain (where he's joined by regulars John Jarrold,
Holly Cox, and Gabriella Peralta.) I vowed then to
feature a cut from his show and I finally got one that’s MOSTLY
understandable to the American ear and which should be imminently
familiar to a British audience. In this clip, Alex’s guest was
English comedian Stu Francis. It seems the show, in trying
to research Stu, had actually gotten to the website of STEWART
Francis, a Canadian comic. Then they get into a discussion
about Stu’s catchphrases, which are apparently his
ManBuyCow Podcast
This show was recommended to us via Twitter. I think it was
Davian Dent from the Bitter Sound
Podcast, actually. In realtime, on Twitter, I asked our
Associate Producer Tyson Saner to go grab a clip which he
did. But I ended up listening to the whole episode and I gotta tell
you that, if you’re taste in comedy runs in the Monty
Python/Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy vein, this show has got
to be on your Subscribe list. ManBuyCow is from England and
features two guys – Rufus & Howard. Last names
undiscoverable so far. In this clip, the guys are mucking about
with a clairvoyant tea kettle.
Newbs Radio
This segment comes directly from Newbs Radio and it is not a
comedy podcast, really. But the host, Eric Newby, is a
supporter of Succotash and I told him I can pull some
strings and get a clip of his show on the episode. He has a lot of
musicians on and he sent in this clip from last summer, with his
guest – singer Jonathan Richmond – because he felt it
“explains what we do for your listeners”.
Proudly Resents
interviewed the host of the Proudly Resents podcast, Adam
Spiegelman, during the LA Podcast Festival a few months ago.
He’s been back in New York THIS month for the New York Podcast
Festival. He did a live Tribute to Troma Films which I reviewed in
last week’s This Week In Comedy Podcasts for http://Splitsider.com. And then he
interviewed the co-founder of Troma, Lloyd Kaufman, who’s a
genius of the ultra-low budget film. In this clip, he reveals how
they can afford to keep flipping and exploding cars in Troma films,
as well as how to crush a head on screen
John Dredge Nothing To Do With Anything Show
The same day I got word about the ManBuyCow podcast (see
above), @Good_Podcasts on Twitter
suggested we give a listen to The John Dredge Nothing To Do With
Anything Show. I was game. @GoodPodcasts never steers us wrong
and John Dredge himself has retweeted some of our tweets. So
Tysonpulled down a clip from a recent episode and – Ahhhhhh – pure
audio hilarious weirdness ensued. Starring John Dredge,
Anna Emerson from the Boom Jennies, Greg Haiste from
Haiste & Lawrence – and sounding a lot like Greg Proops putting on
a British accent – along with James Shakestaff. Needless to
say, that’s up on my Subscribe list now, too. The URL is too long
for me to read and not screw up so you can click on it at this
episode’s blog at http://SuccotashShow.com or just type “John
Dredge Show” into Google. You’re find it.
That what Epi80 has in store for you. We appreciate it when you take time out of your busy day to not just listen to the podcast, but especially when you go up to iTunes where you can rate and review us. You can also Like our Facebook page (where you can even stream episodes of Succotash while you're catching up on your friends' status updates!)
Okay, that's it for now.
Please pass the Succotash!
— Marc