Jun 20, 2013
Another stop along Interstate 5 |
I've done it again. Recorded a rambling edition of the podcast while tooling north on Interstate 5 between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Fair warning: There are no clips in this epi, so if you're dropping by to grab our usual sampler platter, apologies. This is just one man, one mic, and 400 miles of tarmac.
be back with the usual array of clips, interviews, etc., in a few
days with Episode 62, but I was busy and also away from my
technology for a few days, so this mini-sode tides us over in the
During my ramble, I tell you about why I was in LA (mostly for a friend's 40th birthday), some of the people I saw (including podcasters), and I even offer a few suggestions for comedy podcasters in terms of how to, perhaps, better find your funny as you're during your own show.
This "Bonus Edition" runs about 45 minutes - twice as long as my first I-5 mumble - and it was an interesting time to pass part of my journey. Hopefully, you'll find it a bemusing part of one of yours, too.
Until next time, please pass the Succotash!
— Marc