Nov 2, 2021
Saluton, estas mi Tyson Saner. I am your host for this first Succotash episode of November. It's number 277, welcome to it. How was your Halloween? Mine hasn't happened yet technically but it will have had by the time you hear this so…Who knows? Will I remember to follow up on it to let you know how it went? Will I tweet about it? How far into the future are you? Does Twitter still exist? Does the internet still exist? How about the iPod, did it make a comeback?…Well, even if it does I imagine this show will still refer to podcasts as "soundcasts" and that's fine by me.
Last week on Epi276, show creator and executive producer Marc Hershon brought you a quartet of clips from the likes of Mike and Tom Eat Snacks, O'Brien & Bolt: the Podcasts, The Dana Gould Hour, and The Projection Booth/Kulturecast crossover. It's an episode full of entertainment and I urge you to check it out at your earliest convenience.
This week, I've selected 3 clips for
your listening pleasure. They are from the soundcasts known as
Half Hour Happy Hour: Ladies Night with Alison and Maude (&
Tom), Saturday Night Live Afterparty, and Anxiety
There's also a classic Henderson's Pants advert from 2014 -
Henderson's Pedestrian Pants - for you to enjoy…or process however
you choose to, really. It's a fun ad from our longtime fake
sponsor. Can you believe this show has survived for 10 years
without actual sponsorship? Well,…it has.
Half Hour Happy Hour: Ladies
Night with Alison and Maude (& Tom)
Each week Alison Haislip and
Maude Garrett (w/Tom Rajewski) sit down for a half
hour of happy hour. Drinks are drank and conversations are had
covering stories both important and useless. Sit, relax, and knock
back a glass of your favorite adult beverage while you laugh with
(or at) them for the next 30ish minutes. Our featured clips is from
their October 7th show of this year, entitled "VHS Clamshells
from The Vault", where the gang issues back together for more
libations and to catch up!
Comedian Jen Kirkman, who has had
life-long Panic and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, brings her
life-lessons, humor, and hope to a show that’s about normalizing
having anxiety so that we go from whispering dramatically, “I have
anxiety” to saying out loud with a shrug, “Yeah, I have anxiety.”
Jen interviews experts with anxiety — be they PhD’s, creatives, or
spiritual gurus — for advice on how to self-diagnose, begin to
treat, and how to live easily with everyday anxiety and panic and,
at the very least, giving an interesting, relatable, calming
listen. We clip the show called "Anxiety is Old Habit!" from just
this past month, where Jen talked to NY Times Bestselling Author,
MD, PhD, Dr. Jud Brewer and finds out how
our fingers can help us during a panic attack, sometimes
neuroscience puts out the fire of anxiety better than therapy, and
why the hell haven't our brains evolved beyond thinking we're in
danger when we're not?
Saturday Night Live (SNL)
A Peabody Award-coveting podcast review of NBC's storied
late night show SNL, featuring intimate, probing,
aggressive—yet tender—conversations with fresh, young, supple
voices from across the comedy landscape. Hosted by John Murray of the Spry Agency, and
including Katherine Coleman and
Steve Finn. Our clip is from the
episode looking at Owen Wilson's hosting on
October 2nd of this year, as well as musical
guest Kacey Musgraves.
And that's what's in store in our first show of November, the first show after Halloween…and we march steadily on towards December and the end of the year that was 2021…Or rather, still IS 2021. How is it that 2021 has been actually somewhat more frustrating than 2020 was? I suppose that's a subjective observation but I'd be willing to bet that I am not alone in that estimation.
Thank you for listening, I do hope you got something out of this brief moment in time and that it was positive. I do hope 2022 is better but I'm in no hurry to get there lately. Time moves too fast for my taste lately. Perspective is what it is. Next show up in a week is Epi278 and Marc Hershon is at the wheel and then, presumably, I will be back for Epi279.
Until then, be decent to each other, try not to spread disease or bad ideas, and if anyone asks you if you have heard anything interesting lately and it happens to be us that fills in that particular blank for you, won't you do us the utmost of favors and please pass the Succotash?
— Tyson Saner