Apr 3, 2011
Took a little while longer than I thought to get Succotash Test Show #2 online. (UPDATE: This episode is now available for download via iTunes!) Mostly because I'm also trying to get my taxes done. I wanted to see if I could get my workflow down a little better with this second test — selecting the clips, recording my wraparounds and commercials, and mixing it together. Mission accomplished!
I came up short on time — this test only runs about 46 minutes —
as I'll be shooting for an hour when Succotash goes live, but I had
selected a couple of clips which then failed to play properly when
I was assembling the show. Decided to go without this time, and
you'll never know who got left out this time around.
Who IS on the show this time? Glad you asked. I repeated a couple
of clips from the first test — they're funny and/or interesting and
this is still just a test — so you can enjoy After Hours with Mark Pitta hosting
guest Dana Carvey as well
as Nerdist's Chris Hardwick with John Oliver again. In addition, this
version of Succotash also has David Feldman's Comedy Podcast, the
Kevin Pollak Chat Show
with guest Fred Savage,
Adam Carolla with
Ilieana Douglas,
The Jimmy Dore Show, and
FitzDog Radio with
Greg Fitzsimmons and guest
Dave Koechner.
This edition of Succotash is sponsored by Sugarhill Foods, so there
are a couple of phony boloney commercials. (Hey! Phony Boloney!
That should be another fine product from Sugarhill Foods...)
On other fronts, I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new
Succotash theme from Scott
Carvey. And it looks like my friend Joe Paulino is interested in stepping
up as the Executive Producer of this show. He's got a kickass
studio here in town and has some great ideas how to tweak not just
the sound of the show but also some of the features you'll be
hearing once we go live.
That's about it. As before, love to hear YOUR comments and feedback
on the test shows. The more I can course corect now, the less there
will need to be later. Please email me at marc@SuccotashShow.com.
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