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Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, was launched 12 years ago (April, 2011) with the idea of promoting comedy soundcasts in what was then a marketplace still trying to find its way. By featuring short clips of shows being produced by funny folks both known and unknown, we like to feel that we maybe had a little tiny, eeny weeny, itsy bitsy bit to do with helping to ignite the torch of soundcasts across the globe! (But then we've always had a rather high opinion of ourselves...)

Original show host and executive producer Marc Hershon, along with co-host Tyson Saner, booth announcer Bill Heywatt, engineer/producer Joe Paulino, musical director Scott Carvey, and booth assistant Kenny Durgis have been keeping the flame alive o'er these many years.

Oct 20, 2020

I am Marc Hershon, creator, executive producer, and co-host of Succotash Shut-In, The Soundcast Stimulus Package, designed to up your weekly dosage of comedy soundcast intake by several clips each episode. 

Last week in Episode 224 my esteemed co-host and soundcast practitioner Tyson Saner, prescribed a three-clip flight of comedy shows, including Rough Giraffe, Still Loading, and The Dark Weeb. You can still get that script filled at Apple and Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, the Laughable app, and our homesite,

This here, however, is Epi225, which I’m calling “Scarin’ Up Some Spooky Clips”. That’s because I’ve pulled deeply out of the comedy horror genre for the snippets provided for you this week, from Ghoul Intentions, Spoop Hour, The Boogie Monster, and The Paranormal Life.

In addition, we have a clip uploaded to us from a fellow comedy soundcaster, Amanda Welzein, producer and host of Dead Waves, which falls squarely into the theme this week just by chance. Or, once we got her submission, I moved the theme I was going to do, which was “Podcast Bloopers”, to a later show. You decide which came first.

This episode is brought to you by Henderson’s Pants, makers of the Pet Pantz, as well as by


Dead Waves
Since our soundcaster-submitted clip from Dead Waves actually DID give me the idea for our “Scarin’ Up Spooky clips” theme, we kick it off with that one. Here’s the note that was sent in with the snippet, “Good afternoon, Marc, I hope this isn't too forward, but I've been trying to submit a clip of my podcast to you using Hightail, and it just stalls out after a couple of minutes. Our friends over at Jock Doc Podcast told us about your show, and I think it's really cool how inclusive you are of all types of comedy podcasts. With all of the podcasts out there it's easy to get lost in the shuffle, so for you to carve out a space to mention some of us hidden gems is super appreciated. Thank you for your time. Stay healthy, stay safe. Amanda Welzein - Producer, Host, 100% That Witch, Dead Waves: An Improvised Paranormal Podcast” Well, that darned nice of the Jock Doc folks to say such nice things. Amanda didn’t include any set up for this clip, although I see it is from their Epi236, it’s entitled “Anything for ‘Loaf”, and it features Amanda, her co-host Ryan Fuhst and guest Tanja Rowland.

The Boogie Monster
Our next clip is from The Boogie Monster, hosted by comedians Kyle Kinane and Dave Stone. I am a bit ashamed, in that I had never heard of this show before. I definitely know who Kyle and Dave are, but the fact is that there have been 206 episodes of The Bookie Monster! This clip is from the most recent show, in which the hosts tackle – for the first time in all those ‘sodes, werewolves!

Ghoul Intentions
That brings us to our next clip from another spooktacular show, called Ghoul Intentions. This one is a pretty unique offering. It’s hosted by a couple of voiceover talent folks. Jamie Marchi. who is the voice of Ellie in the Borderlands II video game, as well as bunch of other work, and J. Michael Tatum, another Borderlands II alum – he did the voice of Sir Hammerlock. If the episode I clipped this from is any indication, each show opens with a spooky tale voiced by one or the other, or both of the hosts. And then they go into a chat mode where they share creepy things from the news, culture, and the world. Our featured snippet is from Epi102, entitled “A Bag of Bones”, and the hosts talk about stuff made from skin and bones. That is human skin and human bones. Michael is talking about ossuaries, places that are made to house piles and piles of bones…

Spoop Hour

The logline for this next show on Apple Podcasts reads, “Spoop Hour is a paranormal comedy podcast hosted by two Halloweenies, Courtney and Sasha. Each week, we take a look at a different creepy topic like ghosts, cryptids, or anything that goes bump in the night. Get spooped!” I guess “spoop” is a portmanteau for “spook” and “poop”, and the hosts definitely like to laugh and cram a lot of stuff into their shows. Our clip is from the episode entitled, “What Happened to Fritz?” that dropped on October 13th – just last week – and concerns the haunting of Alma Fielding.

This Paranormal Life
Our last clip for this episode is from a show out of London, England, called, This Paranormal Life. Once again, the blurb from their homesite – which seems to be SoundCloud – really says it all.: “From punching Bigfoot to hunting Ancient Aliens - Every Tuesday, Rory Powers and Kit Grier investigate a different paranormal case and find the truth inside the mystery.” For this clip, I went back to August 25th of this year, mainly because the title caught my eye: “The Hooded Figures of Ballyboley Forest.” And this clip actually teases a bit of the story of those very hooded figures. 

So those are some early Halloween treats to put in your bag. Or ears. I wanted to get them out now because, looking at the old calendar on the wall, Tyson Saner’s next episode, Succotash Shut-In #226 covers Halloween and I won’t be back until just after.

If you ARE a comedy soundcaster and would like us to feature a 3-5 minute MP3 clip of YOUR show on OUR show, listen to details from our announcer, Bill Heywatt, on where you can find our direct upload link in his closing comments. And I hope it works for you, unlike Amanda Welzein, who ended up having to mail us her clip. Which you can do, too. Our address is or

That’s me for now, hoping that you enjoy the show and that you’re going to be able to get your Halloween on in some way, shape, or form, regardless of spooky, spooky COVID. If you don’t like the show, I’m frankly surprised you made it this far. And if you DO like the show, won’t you please take a moment to rate and review Succotash Shut-in on Apple or Google Podcasts or wherever you grab our feed from? And please, if you’re thinking about it when you’re hanging out with your friends on Zoom, Houseparty, or a Prodigy Usenet, remember to pass the Succotash!

— Marc Hershon