Jan 17, 2013
I have declared myself to be a "counter Resolutionist" this year and, accordingly, 2013 is right on track since I have broken no resolutions. You can't break what you don't have. Been suffering from some kind of viral crud (I'm not talking about an onslaught of cute kitty videos) that's going around the past few days but I don't think it's the flu. More like a cold. Whatever it is, it's taken up residence in my throat and sinuses, and will be making a guest appearance during this episode.
Our Special Guest is no
virus although, with David Owen's tenaciousness at lining up
comedy groups and venues for the San Francisco Sketchfest,
he could be mistaken for something contagious. Last year about this
time we had Cole Stratton, co-host of the Pop My
Culture podcast, former member of my improv group The
Riffingtons, and one of the three founder/producers of
the Sketchfest. For the 12th year of the 'fest, Mr. Owen
joins me to talk about this year’s upcoming exciting
How exciting? Here's just a partial list of the performers scheduled to appear: Fred Armisen, Carrie Brownstein, Rob Corddry, Erinn Hayes, Rob Huebel, Ken Marino, Jonathan Stern, David Wain, Bruce Campbell, Patton Oswalt, Reggie Watts, Kevin McDonald, Adam Savage, Kristen Schaal, Paul F. Tompkins, Janet Varney, Eddie Pepitone, Michael Ian Black, Beth Dover, Carla Gallo, Ryan Hansen, Rob Huebel, Natasha Leggero, Joe Lo Truglio, Ken Marino, Erica Oyama, June Diane Raphael, Paul Scheer, Jonathan Stern, Maria Bamford, Roger Bart, Jennifer Coolidge, Rachel Dratch, Janeane Garofalo, Laraine Newman, Eugene Pack, Dayle Reyfel, Maya Rudolph, Fred Willard…the list goes on and one.
If you’re in or near San Francisco between January 24 and February 10, check out the amazing lineup and get ticket at http://SFSketchfest.com You can also follow info about the show on Twitter by following @SFSketchfest.
As we started doing on the show (and in this blog) last week, here is the latest Top 10 Comedy Podcasts from Stitcher Smart Radio:
10. SModcast w/Kevin Smith
9. By The Way, In Conversation w/Jeff Garlin
8. Doug Loves Movies
7. Death Squad
6. Mohr Stories
5. The Nerdist
4. NPR: Car Talk Podcast
3. WTF with Mark Maron
2. The Adam Carolla Show
1. The Joe Rogan Experience
This week we're featuring Jesus Walks by Karen Kilgariff from her album, Behind You. Find it and other goodies, such as Karen's tour schedule, at http://KarenKilgariff.com
Although I don't have any
resolutions for the New Year, our
in-house political comedian and Raging
Moderate Will Durst does. and he's not
ashamed to share them in this epi's
Burst O' Durst. Catch more of Will's
musings at http://WillDurst.com
By The Way – In Conversation with Jeff
This new show jumped into the charts
at #9 for its very first week of life.
It’s over on the Earwolf network and the show is
recorded live in front of an audience at Largo in Los Angeles. For
his first outing, host Jeff Garlin has tapped Larry
David, the co-creator of Seinfeld and with whom he works
on Curb Your Enthusiasm. It’s over an hour of rollicking
conversation and the audience LOVES it, as you can hear in this
This Week With Larry
He’s back! I mentioned last episode that comedian/actor Larry
Miller was finally well enough to return to the podcast waves
this past week. The first new episode of This Week With Larry
Miller dropped last Thursday and most of the show Larry talks
about the freak accident that landed him in
the hospital, a medically-induced coma, and months of
rehabilitation. And he does it in classic Larry Miller storytelling
style. (Because that sort of thing is so hard to clip, I’ve opted
to tease you with his Joke Of The Week, which is just Larry telling
an old joke.)
Double Talk Radio
At Double Talk Radio, Double K and one of his guests
from this episode, Matty, have a story to tell. And you’ll
probably hear from DK’s co-host Cookie J and their other
guest, The Hick. The audio quality of this cast is less than
our usual standards, but they’re got something going on it seems –
been on for awhile and have a lot of loyal
Duncan Trussell Family
With well over a hundred episodes of the Duncan Trussell Family
Hour under his belt, comedian Duncan
Trussell's guests include comedians, actors and people
from all sorts of interesting directions. Most recently his focus
in his pre-interview portion of the show has been focused on a
probable diagnosis of testicular cancer. Our hearts go out to him
and we wish him a safe recovery. And you have to admire he spirit
with which he approaches such a heavy thing, as heard from the
beginning of a recent
The Geek Generation
The Geek Generation, with
co-hosts Rob Logan, Mike Volpe, Anna Zifcak, Mikey
is another podcast that’s passed the century-episode mark a
while ago. They cover ANYTHING remotely geeky – video games,
movies, TV, comic books, tech, animation – you name it, they’ll
eventually get around to it. And even though co-host Anna Zifcak
has grown up by buying a house and now she’s about to get married.
But a geek can’t have an ordinary wedding now, can
Wheelbarrow Full of
That’s the name of a podcast featuring Mike, Drunk, Paul, and
Nappier – four guys I know very little about because – as is
often the case – 84% of podcasters have an aversion to revealing
much information about themselves. (I got that stat the same place
I found out that 72% of podcasters make up statistics.) Anyway,
Wheelbarrow falls under my heading of being an STS show –
Shooting The Shit – and these guys will go anywhere that there’s
conversation to be had.
It’s Not Soccer
What would you call a sports podcast that has
precious little to do with sports? How about the It’s Not Soccer
Podcast. That’s what Adam Barker who Succotashians know
from the Oddcast Podcast and Billy Cutmore call their
show. As THEY say, if you’re not into sports, listening to It’s
Not Soccer will NOT make you feel left
That's about it for this episode. Appreciate you stopping by. Appreciate you even more if you wanted to hit the Donate button in the upper right hand corner of our homesite. Or do you Amazon online shopping by getting there through the carousel on the bottom right of our http://SuccotashShow.com site. You can even ignore the offers for the Hallmark Channel movie DVD's that I wrote or the I Hate People! business book I wrote if you want to - but for every product you buy when you go through our page's portal, we get a li'l kickback from the online store named after a big, dirty river.
Even if you can't or don't donate or buy anything, could you do me a favor and remember to pass the Succotash?
— Marc