Apr 5, 2023
Hello, friend! Marc Hershon here for yet another edition – the 350th installment, in fact – of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Later this month we’ll be celebrating hitting our 12th Anniversary of bringing you clips from (mostly) comedy soundcasts and interviews with some of those soundcasters, some comedians, and some other showbiz folk, as our esteemed booth announcer, Bill Heywatt, is fond of saying.
That anniversary show will be fun. It will be me and my switching-off-with-me-every-other-week co-host Tyson Saner on the show together, along with a special guest surprise! That show is going to drop on Tuesday, April 25th, so mark your calendars!
Speaking of Tyson, if you missed last week’s episode 349, you missed his special “One For the Kids” installment, featuring slips from Wow in the World, TDR Now Travel Podcast, and Story Pirates! With a lot of kids on Spring break this week or next, depending on your school district, grab that episode and see if there isn’t a show or two in that bunch that might be some good road trip filler if you’re heading out with the ankle biters.
I don’t have clips for you this week but, instead, it’s a Succotash Chats episode featuring my visit with an old friend of mine who doesn’t have a podcast. Shane Elliott headed up a sketch comedy group in North Hollywood called Fries On The Side that I got involved with and we get into that quite a bit. He acted in TV and movies and commercials for quite a while but then was also very much into computers and technology and programming and, well, we talk about how he made the choice move away from the Hollywood “thing.”
This episode is brought by our long-running sponsor, Henderson’s Pants and, because they don’t pay us nuthin’, when they told us they were going to be advertising their new Artificial Intelligence Trousers, we figured we’ve lost enough money with this non-paying turkey of a sponsor so we’ve created the first Henderson’s Pants ad completely put together by AI. The script was written by ChatGPT, the AI version of Bill Heywatt reading was provided by the NaturalReading app, and some 8-bit computer music by Dream Protocol. Then we smooshed all together and – voíla! – history was made.
I appreciate our guest Shane Elliott for jumping in here at the tail end of our 11th year in the soundcasting game! You can follow Shane on Twitter at Twitter.com/Shane_Elliott and you can still see a few of the old Fries on the Side videos up on YouTube at http://YouTube.com/friesontheside.
Just like that, we’re out of here! Check back in next week for Episode 351 with Tyson Saner back in the drivers seat. And remember our 12th Anniversary show is destined to drop on Tuesday April 25th.
Easter’s coming up this weekend so if you’re sitting around, stuffing your face, and someone asks if you’ve heard anything good lately, won’t you please pass the Succotash?
— Marc Hershon