Oct 14, 2018
Saluton, estas mi: Tyson Saner. Welcome to this early October edition of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Yellow, brown and orange are the colors associated with this time of year, colors also reflected in the corn, bacon and carrots that are often core components of the dish for which this program is named.
succotash, this show might have been called something very
different...perhaps Hodgepodge, Mrs. Murphy's Chowder,
Everything Stew...
I'm sorry, I've just been informed that the core components for a succotash consist of sweet corn, (ok, got THAT one correct) with lima beans...which are neither brown nor orange. I'm also being informed that tomatoes, green or sweet red peppers, and okra might be other ingredients in a succotash...
Carrots aren't listed in the Wikipedia entry for succotash - although there is a photograph that shows a succotash with carrots...and one with some kidney beans but no detectable bacon... Oh, but apparently, according to Wikipedia, "in some parts of the American South, ANY mixture of vegetables prepared with lima beans, and topped with lard or butter is called succotash. I can see where the bacon would stand in for one's non vegan additional fat/flavor component...
Without succotash the show would just be called "The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast"... Except no, that's not entirely accurate either. Without the creation of this soundcast by former-host-now-Executive-Producer Marc Hershon in collaboration with Joe Paulino, Bill Heywatt, and Scott Carvey, there wouldn't be a Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, and I wouldn't be talking to you about it right now. There might not even be the term "soundcast" which was coined by former-host-now-Executive-Producer Marc Hershon. It's hard to imagine. It's nearly as hard to imagine as it is - for me at least - to imagine a succotash without bacon. Ahh, bacon...
epi of Succotash has a selection of fresh
ingredients, snippets of audio goodness from Adult
Sh1t, Jeremiah Wonders, Blank Check with Griffin
& David, Jordan, Jesse GO!!, You're Making It
Worse, and WOMP it UP!
In addition to clips we've got a Burst O' Durst from
raging moderate Will Durst...a seasonal selection
of advertisements from Henderson's Pants AND and selected reading
from TrumPoetry.com
By the way, if you Google "succotash recipe" — first of all,
congratulations on being able to spell both those words, "recipe"
is the one that always gives me trouble — and second of all:
many of them seem to include bacon. So that might explain my idea
of what succotash is supposed to contain...through a sort of
digital morphic resonance I suppose.
Before we get to the clippage, leading the charge tonight is "The
Bobsled Run", this episode's B o' D from political comedian and
social commentator Will Durst.
You're Making It
Although performing stand-up comedy was
what initially united Eliot,
Brent, and H. Alan over 10 years
ago, it’s their openness (and sense of humor) about feeling
totally lost and disconnected from the gay community that’s
truly bonded them. On YMIW, the hosts get down and
dirty, exploring the good, bad, and ugly tropes of contemporary
gay life, often the stuff that no one -- especially straight
people -- discuss for fear of being labeled homophobic. (Don’t
worry. They’ll do that for you.) Our clip is from a recent epi
from August 2, 2018 with guest renaissance woman
Mamrie Hart (and her beloved lap dog
Beanz) talking BDE: Big Dick Energy.
Blank Check with Griffin & David
just another bad movie podcast, Blank Check reviews
directors' complete filmographies episode to episode. Specifically,
the auteurs whose early successes afforded them the rare ‘blank
check’ from Hollywood to produce passion projects. Each new
miniseries, hosts Griffin Newman and David
Sims delve into the works of film’s most outsized
personalities in painstakingly hilarious detail. We've clipped the
epi entitled "Running Scared with Paul Scheer"
from March 11th of this year. One of the hosts of the How Did
This Get Made? soundcast, Paul picked a favorite film from his
youth: 1986's underrated buddy cop movie Running
Adult Sh1t
Kelsey Darragh and Kate Peterman
give their unfiltered take on life as they know it. From diva cup
maintenance to maybe not going home with that guy even though he's
got the whole Eminem 8 mile vibe ("wait, are you into that
s**t??"). They hope you can, if not learn from their mistakes, at
least laugh at them. The podcast where they f*ck up so you don't
have to. The clip featured on our show is from the
"Hannah Hart
Talks Mental Health" episode from February earlier this year and
features a bit of talk about different types of meditation with
America's Sweethart, Hannah Hart, to talk about
(*drumroll*) mental health!
Jeremiah wonders... is a weekly podcast where
Jeremiah Watkins interviews guests with some of
his favorite original characters and impressions. You never know
who's going to call in! Brody Stevens is featured
in the clip we have, having appeared in their episode 34 just a
couple of months ago in August, and features some "Between the
Bits" discussion following an improvisational phone call with
"Larry Bird".
Jordan, Jesse
What is
the dumbest show you can imagine? This award-winning show may be
dumber. It has no content. No format. Yet it's going on ten years
of delighting hundreds of thousands of people. It's been an iTunes
editors choice, and Rolling Stone picked it as one of the world's
best comedy podcasts. It's light in the dark, comfort in the cold
and a penguin in the pants (long story). Join hosts Jesse
Thorn (NPR's Bullseye) and Jordan
Morris (Comedy Central's @Midnight) and a
celebrity guest on a raucous, vulgar and warm-hearted romp that
will probably leave you a better person. And will certainly make
you dumber. Our clip is taken from their Epi548, "Deez Nuts Woof
Woof" with guest Ben Blacker. From September 11,
2018, it features a selection from the "birthday party talent show"
section of this soundcast's episode. (A little Succotash
trivia: Ben was a guest on this soundcast WAY back in 2012, in our
Epi37 with OG host Marc
cream cheese all over your Digiorno and get ready to get WOMPED
cause everybody's favorite intern, Marissa Wompler (Jessica
St. Clair) is throwing on the cans for her brand new
school project podcast Womp It Up!. Her
teacher/mentor/co-host/former sniper, Charlotte Listler
(Lennon Parham), will be there to DJ and divvy out
love advice. Plus other special guest stars. Get a front-row seat
to the madness of the Marina Del Rey lifestyle! We're snippin' a
clip from their "Live from Largo w/ Jason Mantzoukas, Matt Walsh,
Brian Huskey, Lauren Lapkus" show, from May 15th,
Thus concludes this early autumn edition of Succotash, The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. In the words of Johnny Mercer, "A winding country lane all russet brown" if you will of selected sounds from folks all over the Comedy scene taking time out from appearing onstage (except, in this case that clip of "WOMP it UP!" which was very much onstage...literally some might say if they were to be using the word "literally" in the correct fashion...) taking time out from appearing onstage or writing or making video content for YouTube or perhaps their own website to, presumably sit with some other people, have a conversation, record it and post it on the internet.
If you liked any of what you heard and it leads you to seek out any of the Soundcasts featured on this program so that you can spend more of your time listening to people have these conversations then my job has been done correctly. I may never know.
I'll talk to you in a couple weeks, until then please visit visit www.tysonsaner.com to see links to some other projects I'm involved with and please frequently visit our homesite www.succotashshow.com for the blog posts for each episode which includes links to all the shows we feature, plus the archive of every episode we've done. Be decent to each other and, whether or not you like bacon, could I possibly impose on your kindness the eenciest teenciest bit more and ask you to please Pass The Succotash?
— Tyson Saner